Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ladies Luncheon at 948 - hats, make-up and vintage fashion

On Saturday, February 21, we entertained the ladies from the Presidential Party with a Ladies Luncheon at 948. We brought in the fabulous Frank Ricigliano to do make-up for Rita and Lisa (the First Lady and the Vice President's wife) and raffled off a third session with the proceeds going to the Harry Anna fund. Rose Lanza won that. All three ladies left looking glamorous and ready for the evening event.

After Frank made-up Rita and demonstrated his technique, lunch was served while he worked on Lisa. We had a salad trio of chicken, crab and tuna. As soon as lunch was over it was time for the vintage fashion show. Our young volunteers modeled six vintage outfits as Dolores Leach read a narrative that recreated what MIGHT have happened back in the late 60's when Rita and Joe met at Miami-Dade college, fell in love and made plans to get married. (We did include a disclaimer that our story did not in any way reflect actual events or the views of the Presidential Party - wink, wink.)

Frank finished up with Rose Lanza, our raffle winner and the ladies went home to rest a bit before the Carribean Flair dinner. Here are some pictures from the day.

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