Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Time Capsule Project - 2006

Jeff had a great idea to preserve the legacy of our lodge for future members. We will fill a time capsule with momentos from our lodge for our members to open in 2105. Anyone can contribute small items, stories, pictures... whatever you want to share for future Elks!

This is the engraving on the lid of the time capsule.  Posted by Picasa

Elkette Newsletter from September, 1970, with their pin. (Front view) Posted by Picasa

Elkette President's letter: back Posted by Picasa

This very serious and somber photo of Mary Ellen. Posted by Picasa

The Elkettes yearbook. Posted by Picasa

A Miami dealership key chain with a picture of Vizcaya.  Posted by Picasa

The history of our lodge, by Edna Camacho.  Posted by Picasa

International voltage converter and adaptor set. This should be a source of amusement to the members of the future! Posted by Picasa

Miami Herald full page  Posted by Picasa

A very old Elks War Commission card! Posted by Picasa