Sunday, March 23, 2008

Exalted Ruler- Milton Muller


I would like to emphasis the importance of utilizing and using our 948 Grapvine as a means of staying in touch with our new and upcoming events for the 2008-2009 Elk year. Our first meeting under my leadership will be on April 2nd 2008 beginning at 8:00P.M. and the DDGER clinic held by the Honorable Donald Schwartz will be held at the Tavanier Lodge on April 12th 2008 which is a Saturday.

We still are in need of members to come forward and become involved with our lodge with respect to providing new and energetic ideas on some of our committees. We still need some new additions to the house committee, Florida Elks Youth Camp, and Membership and Lapsation for our lodge.

If you are interested or know of someone that might be interested in becoming involved in those areas please advise them to to speak to any officer of the lodge or the Exalted Ruler.

Our installation of officers ceremony went extremely well and thus you should see some articulation of this event as well as pictures in the new and upcoming 948 Reporter in the beginning of April 2008.

Thanks again,

Milton Muller
Exalted Ruler
Miami # 948

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