Monday, January 28, 2008



Well it had to happen eventually. I mean after all, at The Lodge we've had Italian Night, Greek Night, French Night, Pork Roast Night, Lasagna Night, Bar-B-Q Night, October Fest, Fish Fry's, Luau's, Cook-out's, Cook-in's, Pot Luck & maybe even Baloney Night plus only God knows what else.

So, what's left ???

Our current ER was itching for some good ole home cooking & he, being from the bayou's of Louisiana, came up with an idea to indulge in some Etouffee, made straight from his secret recipe.

What is Etouffee you say ??? The word literally means "smothered" or "suffocated". According to Wikipedia: Étouffée or etouffee is a Creole dish typically served with shellfish or chicken over rice, similar to gumbo, very popular in New Orleans and in the bayou country of the southernmost half of Louisiana. The base of an étouffée is a blonde roux (made with butter & flour). It is usually seasoned with onions, green bell pepper and celery (a.k.a. the holy trinity), garlic, and salt. (+ cayanne pepper at the descretion of The Chef). This etouffee will include shrimp. That sounds yummie !.

It's ALL YOU CAN EAT on Saturday, March 1st for just $12.00 & that includes Gumbo !!! Serving time is 6:00 - 7:30PM. Stay tuned for ticket information. (Lodge calendar does not show this event in the March 1st box).

The Chef has promised not to Use the Heat but you have the option to "Kick it up a Notch" or two or three.

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