Wow... look at all the people on hand for the dedication of the Memorial back in '26

Military uniforms from a bygone era.
Another military jacket.

This Wings comic (Fighting Aces of War Skies) was only 10 cents.

Some of the many elaborate Elks pins on display. They have ribbons, photos, timepieces and moving parts.
Elks magazines from a looong time ago.

Invitation for dinner. The year is not specified but dinner was only $1 and that included live entertainment by the Old Adeline Quartette.

Two of the old cards in the display case. These were part of a personal collection.
Invitation from the Centennial Celebration in 1968.
Let's have a closer look here. In the not-too-distant past all Elks were men who were welcome to bring "their lady" to social events.
A very cool Elk logo. This is from a collection of sheet music.
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