Wednesday, August 27, 2008

UN-LABOR at The Lodge on LABOR DAY

Come on over to The Lodge on Labor Day, Monday, September 1st for a good ole cookout & Pot Luck. Starting @ 4PM we will be serving Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Corn-on-the-Cobb, etc. etc. for a nominal fee. Please bring a "Covered Dish" for everyone to enjoy too ! (that's the best part). We'll spin some CD's & maybe even do some Karaoke
Of course The Lounge will open @ 11:00AM. The serving line will close no earlier than 6PM.
See ya !

Monday, August 25, 2008

Discovery of JOD unearths a Bounty of Beans

Well it finally happened ! That sneaky old Jack of Diamonds was discovered on Thursday, August 14th by good member Christine who picked envelope #14 (a coincidence ?) & collected a boatload of beans. Christine became an Elk 5 months ago & has been participating in our Thursday event ever since. She told everyone in the crowded Lounge that the beans will pay for her new hurricane shutters. Congradulations Christine !!!.

A fresh new game of Jack of Diamonds will start Thursday, September 4th. The drawings are always at 9:00PM sharp !!. The cost is $5 per week, paid monthly. See Ella Mae to enter.

Friday, August 22, 2008

KARAOKE RETURNS !!!!! September 6th

Mark those calendars !!! Karaoke @ THE LOUNGE will return Saturday, September 6th.
The previous engagement was a huge success & we inticipate another great turnout. The talent range is incredible, from crooners to amateurs to .. ????

Eddie Rhodes & Mike Myers will be managing the technical side. The only other ingredient we will need is you & your talented singing voice.

Don't forget that Saturday nights are STEAK NIGHT. For $15 you can enjoy a 12oz steak with baked potato & veggie of the day. It also includes Soup & Salad. We have a great & inexpensive wine list too ! (Other menu options are available)

So, even if you don't sing it's still a great show to watch & listen. Come on out & join us.

Show starts @ 7:30PM.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dear friends, as you may know by now, we are planning a very special celebration on November 15th, 2008 to honor all of you for your courage, sacrifices and loyalty to your country.

I am please to inform you that a Wall of Honor will be displayed permanently in our lodge with your name, branch of service, rank & military campaign participation (if any).

In order to do that, I will need your name and service information. Please, if you have not contacted me yet, do so ASAP.

Nivia Myers
Activities Committee Chairman
305 6134165 or 305 2745521
Email address is:

To everyone, please plan on attending a special gathering honoring ALL Miami Elks 948 Veterans on Saturday, November 15th. There will food, entertainment & dancing all with a military theme. More details to follow.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Mark your calendar...

Advance notice and flyer courtesy of Marie Grime.