It's a great deal - only $12 for all the etouffee and gumbo you can eat, cooked up by Bob Gill using his secret family recipe.
It's all happening SATURDAY, MARCH 1st at 6:00 PM!
In recognition, appreciation and gratitude for your courage, service and sacrifice to the United States of America. Your dedicated observance of duty is an inspiration to all our citizens. We are proud to support you with the same commitment as you support the Flag of our country and the Liberties we hold so dear.
Past Exalted Ruler Jeffrey Muehlfeld presents plaque to the outgoing commander of the 260th MIB.
As a lodge we can be justifiably proud to have supported the men and women of the 260th during their tour of duty of in Iraq. We can also be proud of the members of our lodge who donated money to the unit. At the ceremony the unit also received a check for $1,500 from the Lodge. The unit Commnader told me the money would be used for morale building events for the troops. Our thanks again to the 260th Military Intelligence Battalion for inviting us to their Change of Command ceremony and for their bravery and sacrifice while abroad. We wish all the members of the unit the best of luck in their future endeavors, and Godspeed in their upcoming missions.